(De) framing the romantic nature of subjectivity
“James’ work pitches photo realism with surrealist flourishes. The series of short scenes flirt with your own perception, as nothing is quite as it seems. The sci-fi undertones of a gender fluid world intertwine with conceptual imagery to draw you in.” – Steph Walker, Senior Programme Manager, Auckland Arts Festival
(De)Framing The Romantic Nature Of Subjectivity
A multi-tiered, open ended exploration in human perception. From what we choose to exoticize, to the perception of our own achievements. The works is exhibited on multiple screens throughout the gallery or space in a sectional but non-linear way.
Exploring the nature of expected associations, each film offers an alternative perspective on a socially subjective matter and the preconceptions we rely on daily to have a categorical sense of the world around us.
Utilizing surrealism to disrupt conceptual-driven processing, the subject, only becomes apparent through abstract forms. Forcing the viewer to build perception through influence-driven processing. This is achieved by employing the use of modified cameras shooting outside the visible light spectrum, long exposure photography, augmented movement, experimental light and sound design, and altered environments.
– – – Screen 01 Main Screen – – –
Genesis. Earth-Mother / Sky-Father. Descent to the sky.
Section 1. Primordial Clouds. Creation Myths.
Section 2. Idealism: Historical Matriarchy. Earth Goddess Religion Aboriginal Europeans.
Section 3. Looking up: Descent/Ascent. Jupiter and the Skygods.
Section 4. New Carbon Deity: Crystalline.
/// Header: Creation, Religion ///
the spread
Miasma. Progenitor. Maraud. Resistance. Sedulity. Dominion. Nucleus. Transmission.
// Header: War Imperialism Glorification //
– – – Screen 02 First Small Screen – – –
NP://002.trait synonyms:
Character. Adjutant. Manner. Denominator.
4 Choreographers // 12 Synonyms for “Manly” // 12 Synonyms for “Womanly” // xLearnxCopyxRepeatxReplacex
// Header: Sex Love Gender //
Form. Distortion. Covetousness. Infatuation. Adumbration.
Ex=embody Closer— closer^^ to ideal
// Header: Sex Love Gender //
NP:// the sheets pt.1:
Agrestal. Stricture. Blue. Salacious. Custody.
wet sheets/the restrictive nature of sex in neoteric timesmasturbation/social repression/embarrassment%%body in the sand>> buried/emotionally/emergence/feeling()touching/moving== within your body>>within the confines
// Header: Sex Love Gender //
– – – Screen 03 Second Small Screen – – –
Hedonic. Apparatus. Proletariat. Appetite. Made.
Section 1: Rewards.
Epicurean/Fragility. A trap. The same tools to get it can break it.
Section 2: Earned. A Seat At The Table.
The worker is not uniquely identifiable. Commodified and common. Consumer.
Section 3: The Dream
Sold the dream.
Section 4: Made
// Header: Success Narrative Career Wealth //
Frequency. Perception. Interaction. Pretense. Apportion.
Colour is a beautiful metaphor for how perception determines our relationship with physical reality. Using a mixture of warm and cold light. Gradient bi-filters placed in front of the lens. By not using projected colour the dancer is forced to interact and improvise in an environment of invisible spacial boundaries and divides. Their perception of the space is not the reality is which the viewer is seeing it.
// Header: Meaning Reality Perception //
Subside. Reflection. Passage. Indefinite.
Doorway. Impression is left. Lesser than. Fading. Faint. Memory is it’s own unique actuality or own empirical reality.
// Header: Meaning Reality Perception //
by james risbey
Triune is 3 surrealist short video works exploring the actions that lead to our own personal metamorphoses, the rituals we enact, and the ensuing rupture between our past and present selves.
1. I/R.Life_235 Video Work 2018 I 2min 35sec
2. Supplicant_Rites_224 Video Work 2018 I 2min 24sec
New_Bodies_301 Video Work 2018 I 3min 01sec
Leah Carrell, Johanna Cosgrove, Tallulah Holly-Massey, Xin Ji, Zahra Killeen-Chance, Amber Maya, Kelly Nash, Adam Naughton, Ruby Reid, Nancy Wijohn, and Bella Wilson.